
Acadmic work in plain text

Plain text documents written in markdown are at the core of my note-taking, writing, editing, and publishing. Over the years, I have developed a number of tools for such plain-text-based workflows.

TCScript (0.9.1)

TCScript is Mac OSX software to facilitate timecoded media transcription with QuickTime Player and any text editor. The result are plain text files with timecode markers (as markdown URLs). No database, no complex, proprietary file formats, no worries about long term archival.

TCScript also provides an URL handler that lets you jump back from a marker to the respective media and playhead position with a click. Transcripts and media files may live in diffferent folders; snippets of timecoded transcripts can be copied and pasted into new documents and will still maintain their link to the original media.

Read the short manual, or just download and try it yourself.

Tagh (1.0.0)

A command line tool to list, find, merge and delete tags in plain text (markdown) files. Both Twitter-style #hashtags and tags in YAML metadata headers are supported. Tagh is written in Ruby and should work on any platform. However, it is only tested on Mac OSX.

Hosted at GitHub.

Sepp (0.1.2)

Sepp stands for Sente Plain text Parser. Sente is an academic reference manager by for Mac, which I have kept coming back to after stints with Bookends, Zotero, Endnotes, Papers, Mendelay, bibtex and citeproc.

However, Sente's built in parser for plain text files is not markdown compatible. It does not output markdown style italics, for example, which makes it useless for most of my applications. Sepp fills this gap and offers additional options, such as scanning in place and a (somewhat experimental) "unscan" feature.

Hosted at GitHub.